Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dad's Wallet-Photos

Here are the photos that were in Dad's wallet on the day he died in 1971:
You can see he has a photo of 4071 Eagle St, in all its pristine southern Cal glory. Folded up in between this stack of photos was a list of birthdates for Carol, all nine children, and his wedding anniversary date.

There were some old photos of Carol,one looks like a glamor shot from the 50s.  There is one of an elderly woman who may have been his mother, school photos from 1959 of Darwin, who signed it "Bay,"( a more mature nickname than Babe, which is what they called him for years) and Lynda, who signed it "Chooch," which is short for her nickname Choo Choo.

A couple of school pictures of Skippy. A photo of one of the boys, not sure which kid it is. A kodak photo of Darwin looking down at Tammy, the newest addition to the house in 1961.  Tammy's 1st grade photo, dated 1967.  The most recent photos are the two black and white baby photos of Jeff and Tabatha, from 1967. Seems like he quit adding photos to his wallet  in 1967.

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